§ 2.2-3605. Volunteer benefits.
A. Meals may be furnished without charge to regular-service volunteers ifscheduled work assignments extend over an established meal period. Meals maybe furnished without charge to occasional-service volunteers at thediscretion of the department's executive head.
B. Lodging, if available, may be furnished temporarily, at no charge, toregular-service volunteers.
C. Transportation reimbursement may be furnished those volunteers whosepresence is determined to be necessary to the department. Rates or amounts ofsuch reimbursement shall not exceed those provided in § 2.2-2823. Volunteersmay utilize state vehicles in the performance of their duties, subject tothose regulations governing use of state vehicles by paid staff.
D. Liability insurance may be provided by the department utilizing theirservices both to regular-service and occasional-service volunteers to thesame extent as may be provided by the department to its paid staff.Volunteers in state and local service, including, but not limited to, anyperson who serves in a Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit or on a CommunityEmergency Response Team (CERT), shall enjoy the protection of theCommonwealth's sovereign immunity to the same extent as paid staff.
(1977, c. 347, § 2.1-558; 1979, c. 131; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 474.)