§ 2.2-3710. Transaction of public business other than by votes at meetingsprohibited.
A. Unless otherwise specifically provided by law, no vote of any kind of themembership, or any part thereof, of any public body shall be taken toauthorize the transaction of any public business, other than a vote taken ata meeting conducted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Nopublic body shall vote by secret or written ballot, and unless expresslyprovided by this chapter, no public body shall vote by telephone or otherelectronic communication means.
B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall be construedto prohibit (i) separately contacting the membership, or any part thereof, ofany public body for the purpose of ascertaining a member's position withrespect to the transaction of public business, whether such contact is donein person, by telephone or by electronic communication, provided the contactis done on a basis that does not constitute a meeting as defined in thischapter or (ii) the House of Delegates or the Senate of Virginia fromadopting rules relating to the casting of votes by members of standingcommittees. Nothing in this subsection shall operate to exclude any publicrecord from the provisions of this chapter.
(1987, c. 71, § 2.1-343.2; 1999, cc. 703, 726; 2000, c. 932; 2001, cc. 710,844; 2002, c. 491.)