§ 2.2-3902. Construction of chapter; other programs to aid persons withdisabilities, minors and the elderly.
The provisions of this chapter shall be construed liberally for theaccomplishment of its policies. Nothing contained in this chapter shall bedeemed to repeal, supersede or expand upon any of the provisions of any otherstate or federal law relating to discrimination because of race, color,religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medicalconditions, age, marital status, or disability.
Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit or alter any program, service,facility, school, or privilege that is afforded, oriented or restricted to aperson because of disability or age from continuing to habilitate,rehabilitate, or accommodate that person.
In addition, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect anygovernmental program, law or activity differentiating between persons on thebasis of age over the age of eighteen years (i) where the differentiation isreasonably necessary to normal operation or the activity is based uponreasonable factors other than age or (ii) where the program, law or activityconstitutes a legitimate exercise of powers of the Commonwealth for thegeneral health, safety and welfare of the population at large.
Complaints filed with the Human Rights Council (the "Council") inaccordance with § 2.2-2634 alleging unlawful discriminatory practice under aVirginia statute that is enforced by a Virginia agency shall be referred tothat agency. The Council may investigate complaints alleging an unlawfuldiscriminatory practice under a federal statute or regulation and attempt toresolve it through conciliation. Unsolved complaints shall thereafter bereferred to the federal agency with jurisdiction over the complaint. Uponsuch referral, the Council shall have no further jurisdiction over thecomplaint. The Council shall have no jurisdiction over any complaint filedunder a local ordinance adopted pursuant to § 15.2-965.
(1987, c. 581, § 2.1-717; 1991, c. 457; 1997, c. 404; 2000, c. 933; 2001, c.844.)