§ 2.2-435.7. Responsibilities of the Chief Workforce Development Officer.
A. The Governor's responsibilities as Chief Workforce Development Officershall include:
1. Developing a strategic plan for the statewide delivery of workforcedevelopment and training programs and activities. The strategic plan shall bedeveloped in coordination with the development of the comprehensive economicdevelopment policy required by § 2.2-205. The strategic plan shall includeperformance measures that link the objectives of such programs and activitiesto the record of state agencies, local workforce investment boards, and otherrelevant entities in attaining such objectives;
2. To the extent permissible under applicable federal law, determining theappropriate allocation of funds and other resources that have beenappropriated or are otherwise available for disbursement by the Commonwealthfor workforce development programs and activities;
3. Ensuring that the Commonwealth's workforce development efforts areimplemented in a coordinated and efficient manner by, among other activities,taking appropriate executive action to this end and recommending to theGeneral Assembly necessary legislative actions to streamline and eliminateduplication in such efforts;
4. Facilitating efficient implementation of workforce development andtraining programs by cabinet secretaries and agencies responsible for suchprograms;
5. Developing, in coordination with the Virginia Workforce Council, (i)certification standards for programs and providers and (ii) uniform policiesand procedures, including standardized forms and applications, for one-stopcenters;
6. Monitoring, in coordination with the Virginia Workforce Council, theeffectiveness of each one-stop center and recommending actions needed toimprove their effectiveness;
7. Establishing measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the local workforceinvestment boards and conducting annual evaluations of the effectiveness ofeach local workforce investment board. As part of the evaluation process, theGovernor shall recommend to such boards specific best management practices;
8. Conducting annual evaluations of the performance of workforce developmentand training programs and activities and their administrators and providers,using the performance measures developed through the strategic planningprocess described in subdivision 1. The evaluations shall include, to theextent feasible, (i) a comparison of the per-person costs for each program oractivity, (ii) a comparative rating of each program or activity based on itssuccess in meeting program objectives, and (iii) an explanation of the extentto which each agency's appropriation requests incorporate the data reflectedin the cost comparison described in clause (i) and the comparative ratingdescribed in clause (ii). These evaluations, including the comparativerankings, shall be considered in allocating resources for workforcedevelopment and training programs. These evaluations shall be submitted tothe chairs of the House and Senate Commerce and Labor Committees and includedin the biennial reports pursuant to subdivision A 10;
9. Monitoring federal legislation and policy, in order to maximize theCommonwealth's effective use of and access to federal funding available forworkforce development programs; and
10. Submitting biennial reports, which shall be included in the Governor'sexecutive budget submissions to the General Assembly, on improvements in thecoordination of workforce development efforts statewide. The reports shallidentify (i) program success rates in relation to performance measuresestablished by the Virginia Workforce Council, (ii) obstacles to program andresource coordination, and (iii) strategies for facilitating statewideprogram and resource coordination.
B. The Governor may delegate any of his responsibilities enumerated insubsection A to a senior staff member within his immediate office.
(2006, cc. 696, 751; 2008, cc. 269, 388; 2010, c. 573.)