§ 2.2-435.8. Workforce program evaluations; sharing of certain data.
A. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the agenciesspecified in subsection D may share data from within their respectivedatabases solely to (i) provide the workforce program evaluation and policyanalysis required by subdivision A 8 of § 2.2-435.7 and clause (i) ofsubdivision A 10 (i) of § 2.2-435.7 and (ii) conduct education programevaluations that require employment outcomes data to meet state and federalreporting requirements.
B. Data shared pursuant to subsection A shall not include any personalidentifying information, shall be encrypted, and shall be transmitted to theGovernor or his designee. Upon receipt of such data, the Governor or hisdesignee shall re-encrypt the data to prevent any participating agency fromconnecting shared data sets with existing agency files. For the purposes ofthis section:
1. "Identifying information" means the same as that term is defined in §18.2-186.3, and
2. "Encrypted" means the same as that term is defined in § 18.2-186.6.
C. The Governor or his designee and all agencies authorized under thissection shall destroy or erase all shared data upon completion of allrequired evaluations and analyses. The Governor or his designee may retain athird-party entity to assist with the evaluation and analysis.
D. The databases from the following agencies relating to the specificprograms identified in this subsection may be shared solely to achieve thepurposes specified in subsection A:
1. Virginia Employment Commission: Unemployment Insurance, Job Service, TradeAct, and Veterans Employment Training Programs;
2. Virginia Community College System: Postsecondary Career and TechnicalEducation, Workforce Investment Act Adult, Youth and Dislocated WorkerPrograms;
3. Department of Rehabilitative Services: Vocational Rehabilitation;
4. Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired: Vocational Rehabilitation;
5. Department of Education: Adult Education and Family Literacy, SpecialEducation, and Career and Technical Education;
6. Department for the Aging: Senior Community Services Employment Program;
7. Department of Labor and Industry: Apprenticeship;
8. Department of Social Services: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programand Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare;
9. Department of Business Assistance: Virginia Jobs Investment Program;
10. Department of Correctional Education: Career and Technical EducationPrograms;
11. Department of Juvenile Justice: Youth Industries and Institutional WorkPrograms; and
12. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.
(2010, c. 803.)