§ 2.2-403. Compilation of compacts and related records and reports.
The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall conserve a copy of each of thecompacts to which the Commonwealth is now or has been a party, commencingwith the compact entered into with the state of North Carolina that isreferenced in chapter XXIX of the October Session of the 1778 Acts of theGeneral Assembly. The record shall contain the dates on which the compactswere confirmed by the Commonwealth.
In accordance with § 30-154.1, beginning July 1, 2001, the Virginia CodeCommission shall annually forward to the Secretary of the Commonwealth anynewly enacted, amended or repealed compact as it was adopted by theCommonwealth.
The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall also maintain all records relating tothe appointment of persons in accordance with compacts confirmed by theCommonwealth.
The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall report to the Governor and theVirginia Commission on Interstate Cooperation within fifteen days after theconvening of each legislative session, and at such other times as deemedappropriate, on appointments and vacancies to the interstate boards,commissions and committees established for the purposes of such compacts.
(1976, c. 198, § 2.1-68.1; 2001, cc. 100, 844.)