§ 2.2-406. Secretary of Commonwealth to report list of interim appointmentsrequiring confirmation; other appointments.
A. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall periodically, during the interimbetween sessions of the General Assembly, present to the chairmen of theSenate and House Committees on Privileges and Elections a list of the namesof all persons appointed by the Governor that require confirmation by theGeneral Assembly. A list shall be presented by June 1, August 1, October 1,and December 1, and shall include the names of all persons so appointed sinceadjournment or since the last required report, the position to whichappointed, and the person whom the appointee will succeed.
B. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall report to the General Assembly byDecember 1 of each year, the number of persons appointed to any state board,commission, agency or authority, categorized by race, gender and nationalorigin. Information on the race, gender and national origin of appointeesshall be obtained through voluntary self-identification followingappointment. Such information shall be used solely for the purpose ofcompiling the statistical information required under this section and anypersonally identifiable information collected under this section shall beconfidential and shall be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom ofInformation Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.).
(1994, c. 846, § 2.1-42.3; 1995, c. 579; 2001, c. 844.)