§ 2.2-409. Secretary of the Commonwealth.
A. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall charge the following fees forservices rendered in his office to be paid by the person for whom the serviceis rendered at the time it is done:
For a testimonial, including seal tax ................................ $10.00
For each authentication after the first testimonial for documents
bearing the testament by the same person on the same date,
including seal tax ...................................................... 5.00
For a copy of any paper, if on one sheet ............................... 1.00
And for each sheet after the first ...................................... .75
For issuing a commission to a commissioner in another state ............ 7.00
For power of attorney for nonresident insurers, contractors ............ 3.00
For service of process on parties, each defendant ..................... 19.00
For service of process on reciprocal insurers .......................... 7.00
For registration of name, badge and insignia ........................... 7.50
For affixing the Seal of the Commonwealth .............................. 2.00
For issuing a commission to a notary for the Commonwealth at large,
including seal tax .................................................... 35.00
For issuing a commission to an electronic notary public ............... 35.00
And for filing in his office any paper required by law to be filed, the samefee as is allowed by law for recording similar papers.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall charge atechnology fee of $10 in addition to the fees set out in subsection A forcommissioning of a notary public or electronic notary public, which fundsshall be deposited into the Secretary of the Commonwealth's Technology TrustFund established by the comptroller and used only to obtain and update officeautomation and information technology equipment including software andconversion services; to preserve, maintain, and enhance records, includingbut not limited to the costs of repairs, maintenance, service contracts, andsystem upgrades; and to improve public access to records. There shall be notransfers out of the fund, including transfers to the general fund.
(Code 1950, § 14-114; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-103; 1966, c. 272; 1976, c. 559;1979, c. 14; 1984, c. 362; 1987, cc. 449, 459; 1998, cc. 259, 872, §2.1-71.2; 2001, c. 844; 2007, cc. 269, 362, 590.)