§ 2.2-4007.02. Public participation guidelines.
A. Public participation guidelines for soliciting the input of interestedparties in the formation and development of its regulations shall bedeveloped, adopted, and used by each agency pursuant to the provisions ofthis chapter. The guidelines shall set out any methods for the identificationand notification of interested parties and any specific means of seekinginput from interested persons or groups that the agency intends to use inaddition to the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action. The guidelines shallset out a general policy for the use of standing or ad hoc advisory panelsand consultation with groups and individuals registering interest in workingwith the agency. Such policy shall address the circumstances in which theagency considers the panels or consultation appropriate and intends to makeuse of the panels or consultation.
B. In formulating any regulation, including but not limited to those inpublic assistance and social services programs, the agency pursuant to itspublic participation guidelines shall afford interested persons anopportunity to submit data, views, and arguments, either orally or inwriting, to the agency, to include an on-line public comment forum on theVirginia Regulatory Town Hall, or other specially designated subordinate.However, the agency may begin drafting the proposed regulation prior to orduring any opportunities it provides to the public to submit comments.
(2007, cc. 873, 916.)