§ 2.2-4007.06. Changes between proposed and final regulations.
If one or more changes with substantial impact are made to a proposedregulation from the time that it is published as a proposed regulation to thetime it is published as a final regulation, any person may petition theagency within 30 days from the publication of the final regulation to requestan opportunity for oral and written submittals on the changes to theregulation. If the agency receives requests from at least 25 persons for anopportunity to submit oral and written comments on the changes to theregulation, the agency shall (i) suspend the regulatory process for 30 daysto solicit additional public comment and (ii) file notice of the additional30-day public comment period with the Registrar of Regulations, unless theagency determines that the changes made are minor or inconsequential in theirimpact. The comment period, if any, shall begin on the date of publication ofthe notice in the Register. Agency denial of petitions for a comment periodon changes to the regulation shall be subject to judicial review.
(2007, cc. 873, 916.)