§ 2.2-4022. Subpoenas, depositions and requests for admissions.
The agency or its designated subordinates may, and on request of any party toa case shall, issue subpoenas requiring testimony or the production of books,papers, and physical or other evidence. Any person so subpoenaed who objectsmay, if the agency does not quash or modify the subpoena at his timelyrequest as illegally or improvidently granted, immediately procure bypetition a decision on the validity thereof in the circuit court as providedin § 2.2-4003; and otherwise in any case of refusal or neglect to comply withan agency subpoena, unless the basic law under which the agency is operatingprovides some other recourse, enforcement, or penalty, the agency may procurean order of enforcement from such court. Depositions de bene esse andrequests for admissions may be directed, issued, and taken on order of theagency for good cause shown; and orders or authorizations therefor may bechallenged or enforced in the same manner as subpoenas. Nothing in thissection shall be taken to authorize discovery proceedings.
(1975, c. 503, § 9-6.14:13; 2001, c. 844.)