§ 2.2-4023. Final orders.
The terms of any final agency case decision, as signed by it, shall be servedupon the named parties by mail unless service otherwise made is dulyacknowledged by them in writing. The signed originals shall remain in thecustody of the agency as public records subject to judicial notice by allcourts and agencies; and they, or facsimiles thereof, together with the fullrecord or file in every case shall be made available for public inspection orcopying except (i) so far as the agency may withhold the same in whole orpart for the purpose of protecting individuals mentioned from personalembarrassment, obloquy, or disclosures of a private nature includingstatements respecting the physical, mental, moral, or financial condition ofsuch individuals or (ii) for trade secrets or, so far as protected by otherlaws, other commercial or industrial information imparted in confidence.Final orders may be recorded, enforced, and satisfied as orders or decrees ofa circuit court upon certification of such orders by the agency head or hisdesignee.
(1975, c. 503, § 9-6.14:14; 2001, c. 844; 2009, c. 797.)