§ 2.2-4026. Right, forms, venue.
Any person affected by and claiming the unlawfulness of any regulation, orparty aggrieved by and claiming unlawfulness of a case decision and whetherexempted from the procedural requirements of Article 2 (§ 2.2-4006 et seq.)or 3 (§ 2.2-4018 et seq.) of this chapter, shall have a right to the directreview thereof by an appropriate and timely court action against the agencyor its officers or agents in the manner provided by the rules of the SupremeCourt of Virginia. Actions may be instituted in any court of competentjurisdiction as provided in § 2.2-4003, and the judgments of the courts oforiginal jurisdiction shall be subject to appeal to or review by highercourts as in other cases unless otherwise provided by law. In addition, whenany regulation or case decision is the subject of an enforcement action incourt, it shall also be reviewable by the court as a defense to the action,and the judgment or decree therein shall be appealable as in other cases.
(1975, c. 503, § 9-6.14:16; 1986, c. 615; 1989, cc. 677, 734; 2001, c. 844.)