§ 2.2-4115. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
"Dispute resolution proceeding" means any structured process in which aneutral assists parties to a dispute in reaching a voluntary settlement bymeans of dispute resolution processes such as mediation, conciliation,facilitation, partnering, fact-finding, neutral evaluation, use of ombudsmenor any other proceeding leading to a voluntary settlement. For the purposesof this chapter, the term "dispute resolution proceeding" does not includearbitration.
"Mediation" means a process in which a neutral facilitates communicationbetween the parties and without deciding the issues or imposing a solution onthe parties enables them to understand and resolve their dispute.
"Mediation program" means a program of a public body through whichmediators or mediation is made available and includes the director, agentsand employees of the program.
"Mediator" means a neutral who is an impartial third party selected byagreement of the parties to a dispute to assist them in mediation.
"Neutral" means an individual who is trained or experienced in conductingdispute resolution proceedings and in providing dispute resolution services.
"Public body" means any legislative body; any authority, board, bureau,commission, district or agency of the Commonwealth or any politicalsubdivision of the Commonwealth, including counties, cities and towns, citycouncils, boards of supervisors, school boards, planning commissions, boardsof visitors of institutions of higher education; and other organizations,corporations or agencies in the Commonwealth supported wholly or principallyby public funds. "Public body" includes any committee, subcommittee, orother entity however designated, of the public body or formed to advise thepublic body, including those with private sector or citizen members andcorporations organized by the Virginia Retirement System. For the purposes ofthis chapter the term "public body" does not include courts of theCommonwealth.
"State agency" or "agency" means any authority, instrumentality, officer,board or other unit of state government empowered by the basic laws to adoptregulations or decide cases. For the purposes of this chapter, the term"state agency" does not include the courts of the Commonwealth.
(2002, c. 633.)