§ 2.2-4117. State agency promotion of dispute resolution proceedings.
A. Each state agency shall adopt a written policy that addresses the use ofdispute resolution proceedings within the agency and for the agency's programand operations. The policy shall include, among other things, training foremployees involved in implementing the agency's policy and the qualificationsof a neutral to be used by the agency.
B. The head of each state agency shall designate an existing or new employeeto be the dispute resolution coordinator of the agency. The duties of adispute resolution coordinator may be collateral to those of an existingofficial.
C. Each state agency shall review its policies, procedures and regulationsand shall determine whether and how to amend such policies, procedures andregulations to authorize and encourage the use of dispute resolutionproceedings.
D. Any state agency may use the services of other agencies' employees asneutrals and an agency may allow its employees to serve as neutrals for otheragencies as part of a neutral-sharing program.
E. This chapter does not supersede the provisions of subdivision 2 of §2.2-1001 and subdivision B 4 of § 2.2-3000, which require certain agencies toparticipate in the mediation program administered by the Department ofEmployment Dispute Resolution.
(2002, c. 633.)