§ 2.2-4305. Competitive procurement by localities on state-aid projects.
No contract for the construction of any building or for an addition to orimprovement of an existing building by any local governing body orsubdivision thereof for which state funds of not more than $50,000 in theaggregate or for the sum of all phases of a contract or project either byappropriation, grant-in-aid or loan, are used or are to be used for all orpart of the cost of construction shall be let except after competitive sealedbidding or after competitive negotiation as provided under subsection D of §2.2-4303. The procedure for the advertising for bids or for proposals and forletting of the contract shall conform, mutatis mutandis, to this chapter.
(1982, c. 647, § 11-41.1; 1983, c. 436; 1987, c. 456; 1989, c. 296; 1997, c.163; 2001, c. 844; 2010, c. 382.)