§ 2.2-4344. Exemptions from competition for certain transactions.
A. Any public body may enter into contracts without competition for:
1. The purchase of goods or services that are produced or performed by:
a. Persons, or in schools or workshops, under the supervision of the VirginiaDepartment for the Blind and Vision Impaired; or
b. Nonprofit sheltered workshops or other nonprofit organizations that offertransitional or supported employment services serving the handicapped.
2. The purchase of legal services, provided that the pertinent provisions ofChapter 5 (§ 2.2-500 et seq.) of this title remain applicable, or expertwitnesses or other services associated with litigation or regulatoryproceedings.
B. An industrial development authority or regional industrial facilityauthority may enter into contracts without competition with respect to anyitem of cost of "authority facilities" or "facilities" as defined in §15.2-4902 or "facility" as defined in § 15.2-6400.
C. A community development authority formed pursuant to Article 6 (§15.2-5152 et seq.) of Chapter 51 of Title 15.2, with members selectedpursuant to such article, may enter into contracts without competition withrespect to the exercise of any of its powers permitted by § 15.2-5158.However, this exception shall not apply in cases where any public funds otherthan special assessments and incremental real property taxes levied pursuantto § 15.2-5158 are used as payment for such contract.
D. The Inspector General for Behavioral Health and Developmental Services mayenter into contracts without competition to obtain the services of licensedhealth care professionals or other experts to assist in carrying out theduties of the Office of the Inspector General for Behavioral Health andDevelopmental Services.
(1982, c. 647, § 11-45; 1984, c. 764; 1987, cc. 194, 248; 1989, c. 235; 1990,c. 395; 1991, c. 175; 1993, cc. 110, 505, 638, 971; 1996, cc. 145, 897, 902,950, 1038; 1998, cc. 222, 619, 666, 697, 791; 1999, cc. 160, 194, 1021, 1024;2000, cc. 242, 696, 927; 2001, c. 844; 2008, c. 52; 2009, cc. 813, 840.)