§ 2.2-4371. Prohibition on solicitation or acceptance of gifts; gifts bybidders, offerors, contractor or subcontractors prohibited.
A. No public employee having official responsibility for a procurementtransaction shall solicit, demand, accept, or agree to accept from a bidder,offeror, contractor or subcontractor any payment, loan, subscription,advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal orminimal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantiallyequal or greater value is exchanged. The public body may recover the value ofanything conveyed in violation of this subsection.
B. No bidder, offeror, contractor or subcontractor shall confer upon anypublic employee having official responsibility for a procurement transactionany payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services oranything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unlessconsideration of substantially equal or greater value is exchanged.
(1982, c. 647, §§ 11-75, 11-77; 2001, c. 844.)