§ 2.2-4701. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Bonds" means bonds or other obligations issued by the Commonwealth, bycounties, cities and towns, and by their agencies, institutions, andauthorities or by any combination of the foregoing under the provisions ofthe Public Finance Act (§ 15.2-2600 et seq.), or otherwise, the interest onwhich is intended to be excludable from the gross income of the recipientsthereof for federal income tax purposes.
"Depository institution" means any commercial bank, trust company, orsavings institution insured by an agency or instrumentality of the UnitedStates government.
"Issuers" means the Commonwealth, counties, cities and towns in theCommonwealth, and their agencies, institutions, and authorities.
"Official handling public funds" or "official" means the treasurer of theissuer or, if there is no officer known as treasurer of the issuer, the chieffinancial officer of the issuer, and any person or entity described in §58.1-3123.
(1988, c. 498, § 2.1-234.9:2; 1990, c. 516; 1991, c. 245; 1996, c. 77; 2001,c. 844.)