§ 2.2-4806. Utilization of certain collection techniques.
A. Each state agency and institution shall take all appropriate andcost-effective actions to aggressively collect its accounts receivable. Eachagency and institution shall utilize, but not be limited to, the followingcollection techniques, according to the policies and procedures required bythe Department of Accounts and the Division: (i) credit reporting bureaus,(ii) collection agencies, (iii) garnishments, liens and judgments, (iv)administrative offset, and (v) participation in the Treasury Offset Programof the United States under 31 U.S.C. § 3716.
B. Except as provided otherwise herein, for collection of accounts receivableof $3,000 or more that are 60 days past due, each agency and institutionshall forward those claims to the Division for collection. The Division shallreview forwarded accounts, determine the appropriate collection efforts, ifany, for each account, and take such actions on the accounts as the Divisionmay so determine.
C. Except as provided otherwise herein, for collection of accounts receivableunder $3,000 that are 60 days past due, each agency and institution shallcontract with a private collection agency for the collection of those debts.Prior to referring accounts receivable of less than $3,000, agencies andinstitutions may refer such accounts to the Division. The Division may acceptthe account for collection or return it to the agency or institution forcollection by a private collection agency.
D. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, where a debtor is payinga debt in periodic payments to an agency or institution, the agency orinstitution may elect to retain the claim in excess of 60 days provided thatsuch periodic payments are promptly paid until the account is satisfied. Inthe event the debtor is delinquent (i) by 60 days in paying a periodicpayment or (ii) for such other period of time approved by the Division, theaccount shall be handled in the manner provided by subsections B and C ofthis section.
E. Each state agency and institution shall report and pay required fees tothe Division as required by subsection C of § 2.2-518.
(1988, c. 544, § 2.1-733; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 919; 2008, cc. 314, 637;2009, c. 797.)