§ 2.2-4807. Debtor information and skip-tracing.
Each agency and institution shall collect minimum prescribed information fromclients, debtors, and payees. Debtor information available from stateagencies, credit reporting bureaus and other appropriate sources shall beused for the purpose of skip-tracing debtors, as specified in the guidelinesof the Department of Accounts and the Attorney General. The minimumprescribed information to be collected shall include the federal employeridentification number of partnerships, proprietorships, and corporateclients, debtors, and payees. This minimum prescribed information shall beincluded in the contract payment clause required by § 2.2-4354. TheDepartment of Accounts may require that the minimum prescribed information besupplied on any request for payment, including invoices.
(1988, c. 544, § 2.1-734; 1992, c. 110; 2001, c. 844.)