§ 2.2-508. Legal service in certain redistricting proceedings.
Upon notification by a county, city or town of a pending civil actionchallenging the legality of its election district boundaries as required by §24.2-304.5, the Attorney General shall review the papers in the civil actionand may represent the interests of the Commonwealth in developing anappropriate remedy that is consistent with requirements of law, including butnot limited to Article VII, Section 5 of the Constitution of Virginia,Chapter 3 (§ 24.2-302.1 et seq.) of Title 24.2, or Chapter 39 (§ 30-263 etseq.) of Title 30.
(1989, c. 112, § 2.1-121.1; 1995, c. 249; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 1000.)