§ 2.2-517. Division of Consumer Counsel created; duties.
A. There is created in the Department of Law a Division of Consumer Counsel(the "Division") that shall represent the interests of the people asconsumers.
B. The duties of the Division shall be to:
1. Appear before governmental commissions, agencies and departments,including the State Corporation Commission, to represent and be heard onbehalf of consumers' interests, and investigate such matters relating to suchappearance.
2. Make such studies related to enforcing consumer laws of the Commonwealthas deemed necessary to protect the interests of the consumer and recommend tothe Governor and General Assembly the enactment of such legislation deemednecessary to promote and protect the interests of the people as consumers.
C. The Division, in all investigations connected with enforcing consumer lawsand appearances before governmental bodies shall, on behalf of the interestsof the consumer, cooperate and coordinate its efforts with such commissions,agencies and departments in ensuring that any matters adversely affecting theinterests of the consumer are properly controlled and regulated. Theappearance of a representative of the Division before any governmental bodyshall in no way limit or alter the duties of such governmental body.
D. The Attorney General may employ and fix the salaries of such attorneys,employees and consultants, within the amounts appropriated to the AttorneyGeneral for providing legal service for the Commonwealth, and other servicesas may be provided for by law, as he may deem necessary in the operation ofthe Division of Consumer Counsel to carry out its functions.
(1970, c. 781, §§ 2.1-133.1, 2.1-133.3; 2001, c. 844.)