§ 2.2-5209. Referrals to family assessment and planning team orcollaborative, multidisciplinary team process.
The community policy and management team shall establish policies governingthe referral of troubled youths and families to the family assessment andplanning team or a collaborative, multidisciplinary team process approved bythe Council. These policies shall include that all youth and families forwhich CSA-funded treatment services are requested are to be assessed by thefamily assessment and planning team or an approved collaborative,multidisciplinary team process and shall consider the criteria set out insubdivisions A 1 and A 2 of § 2.2-5212. Except for cases involving only thepayment of foster care maintenance that shall be at the discretion of thelocal community policy and management team, cases for which service plans aredeveloped outside of this family assessment and planning team process orapproved collaborative, multidisciplinary team process shall not be eligiblefor state pool funds.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of state pool funds foremergency placements, provided the youth are subsequently assessed by thefamily assessment and planning team or an approved collaborative,multidisciplinary team process within 14 days of admission and the emergencyplacement is approved at the time of placement. In cases involving the denialof state pool funds resulting from parental refusal to consent to release ofstudent records under federal law, where such refusal precludes thedevelopment of placement through the family assessment and planning teamprocess or the approved collaborative, multidisciplinary team process, anappeal for good cause may be made to the Council.
(1992, cc. 837, 880, § 2.1-755; 1999, c. 669; 2001, c. 844; 2003, c. 483.)