§ 2.2-5212. Eligibility for state pool of funds.
A. In order to be eligible for funding for services through the state pool offunds, a youth, or family with a child, shall meet one or more of thecriteria specified in subdivisions 1 through 4 and shall be determinedthrough the use of a uniform assessment instrument and process and bypolicies of the community policy and management team to have access to thesefunds.
1. The child or youth has emotional or behavior problems that:
a. Have persisted over a significant period of time or, though only inevidence for a short period of time, are of such a critical nature thatintervention is warranted;
b. Are significantly disabling and are present in several community settings,such as at home, in school or with peers; and
c. Require services or resources that are unavailable or inaccessible, orthat are beyond the normal agency services or routine collaborative processesacross agencies, or require coordinated interventions by at least twoagencies.
2. The child or youth has emotional or behavior problems, or both, andcurrently is in, or is at imminent risk of entering, purchased residentialcare. In addition, the child or youth requires services or resources that arebeyond normal agency services or routine collaborative processes acrossagencies, and requires coordinated services by at least two agencies.
3. The child or youth requires placement for purposes of special education inapproved private school educational programs.
4. The child or youth has been placed in foster care through a parentalagreement between a local social services agency or public agency designatedby the community policy and management team and his parents or guardians,entrusted to a local social services agency by his parents or guardian or hasbeen committed to the agency by a court of competent jurisdiction for thepurposes of placement as authorized by § 63.2-900.
B. For purposes of determining eligibility for the state pool of funds,"child" or "youth" means (i) a person less than eighteen years of age and(ii) any individual through twenty-one years of age who is otherwise eligiblefor mandated services of the participating state agencies including specialeducation and foster care services.
(1992, cc. 837, 880, § 2.1-758; 1994, c. 865; 1999, c. 669; 2001, c. 844.)