§ 2.2-5213. State trust fund.
A. There is established a state trust fund with funds appropriated by theGeneral Assembly. The purposes of this fund are to develop:
1. Early intervention services for young children and their families, whichare defined to include: prevention efforts for individuals who are at-riskfor developing problems based on biological, psychological orsocial/environmental factors.
2. Community services for troubled youths who have emotional or behaviorproblems, or both, and who can appropriately and effectively be served in thehome or community, or both, and their families.
The fund shall consist of moneys from the state general fund, federal grants,and private foundations.
B. Proposals for requesting these funds shall be made by community policy andmanagement teams to the Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youthand Families. The Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth andFamilies shall make recommendations on the proposals it receives to theCouncil, which shall award the grants to the community teams in accordancewith the policies developed under the authority of § 2.2-5202.
(1992, cc. 837, 880, § 2.1-759; 1995, c. 520; 2000, c. 937; 2001, c. 844.)