§ 2.2-5304. State lead agency's duties.
To facilitate the implementation of an early intervention services system andto ensure compliance with federal requirements, the Governor shall appoint alead agency. The duties of the lead agency shall include:
1. Promulgating regulations and adopting the policies and procedures asnecessary to implement an early intervention services system and assureconsistent and equitable access to such services, including, but not limitedto, uniform statewide procedures on or before January 1, 2002, for public andprivate providers to determine parental liability and to charge fees forearly intervention services in accordance with federal law and regulations,in consultation with other participating agencies; the regulations shall beadopted in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Process Act(§ 2.2-4000 et seq.);
2. Contracting with local lead agencies for implementation of local earlyintervention systems statewide;
3. Providing technical assistance to local early intervention systems,including local lead agencies, local interagency coordinating councils, andearly intervention service providers; and
4. Establishing an interagency system of monitoring and supervising the earlyintervention services system.
(1992, c. 771, § 2.1-764; 2001, cc. 562, 844; 2005, c. 695.)