§ 2.2-5304.1. Local lead agencies.
A. To facilitate implementation of local early intervention systemsstatewide, the state lead agency shall contract with local lead agenciesselected by the local interagency coordinating council. If the localinteragency coordinating council is unable to select a local lead agency, thestate lead agency shall assist in making the determination.
B. The local lead agency shall have the power and duty to:
1. Establish and administer a local system of early intervention services incompliance with Part C of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (20U.S.C. § 1431 et seq.) and all relevant state policies and procedures;
2. Implement consistent and uniform policies and procedures for public andprivate providers to determine parental liability and to charge fees forearly intervention services pursuant to regulations, policies, and proceduresadopted by the state lead agency in § 2.2-5304; and
3. Manage relevant state and federal early intervention funds allocated fromthe state lead agency for the local early intervention system, includingcontracting or otherwise arranging for services with local early interventionservices providers.
C. Localities shall not be mandated to provide funding for any costs underthis chapter, either directly or through participating local public agencies.
(2005, c. 695.)