§ 2.2-5406. Community action statewide organizations; structure;responsibilities.
A. A community action statewide organization shall be a nonprofit corporationwhose charter, articles of incorporation and bylaws permit the corporation tooperate in all jurisdictions of the Commonwealth.
B. A community action statewide organization shall be governed by a board.The board shall conform to requirements for the community action agency board.
C. Community action statewide organizations shall carry out all the planning,reporting, evaluation, fiscal and programmatic responsibilities required bythe designated agency and other appropriate agencies of state government.
D. Community action statewide organizations shall receive and administerstate, federal and private funds, render technical assistance and carry outactivities that will enable community action agencies to solve local problems.
E. Community action statewide organizations shall work with community actionagencies in areas served by those agencies and with community-basedorganizations, local governments, industry and other organizations in areasunserved by a community action agency to assist in carrying out the purposesof this chapter.
(1982, c. 667, §§ 2.1-594, 2.1-595, 2.1-596; 1989, c. 273; 2001, c. 844.)