§ 2.2-5408. Administration of community action budget.
The designated agency shall adopt regulations detailing the formula for thedistribution of community action program budget funds. The regulations shalltake into consideration the distribution of low-income persons residing inthe service areas of the community action agencies, the relative cost ofliving of the areas, as well as other factors considered appropriate.
Each community action agency and community action statewide organizationannually shall develop and submit a program budget request for fundsappropriated from the community action program budget. The designated agencyshall publish annually guidelines detailing the nature and extent ofinformation required in the program budget request for the succeeding fiscalyear.
In order to carry out its overall responsibility for planning, coordinating,evaluating and administering a community action program, a community actionagency may under its charter or applicable laws receive and administer fundspursuant to this chapter. The community action agency may receive andadminister funds and contributions from private or public sources that may beused in support of a community action agency or program and funds under anyfederal or state assistance program pursuant to which a public or privatenonprofit agency organized in accordance with this chapter could act asgrantee, contractor or sponsor of projects appropriate for inclusion in acommunity action program. A community action agency or community actionstatewide organization may transfer funds so received between components andto delegate funds to other agencies subject to the powers of its governingboard and its overall program responsibilities.
In accordance with the requirements of the federal Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35), the designated agency incooperation with community action agencies and community action statewideorganizations, shall develop a state plan for submission annually by theGovernor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Community action agencies and community action statewide organizations shallprovide the designated agency with quarterly financial and program reports.
Funds received in the Community Services Block Grant pursuant to the federalOmnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35) shall beexpended in support of the purposes of this chapter as follows:
1. Ninety percent of the funds received in the Community Services Block Grantshall be used for the development and implementation of programs and projectsdesigned by community action agencies to serve poor or low-income areas ofthe Commonwealth in accordance with a formula approved by the Governor forthe first year of the Community Services Block Grant and thereafterbiennially by the General Assembly.
2. No more than five percent of the funds received in the Community ServicesBlock Grant shall be used for administration of the duties required by thischapter of the designated agency.
3. At least five percent of the funds received in the Community ServicesBlock Grant shall be used to support community action activities conducted bycommunity action statewide organizations.
(1982, c. 667, § 2.1-598; 2001, c. 844.)