§ 2.2-5503. Requirements for regulated introduction.
Except as provided under § 2.2-5502, no person may commence a regulatedintroduction unless the person:
1. Provides to the Department all of the following information within sevendays after the person submits or should have submitted the informationspecified in subdivisions 1. a. and 1. b. to a federal regulator, whicheveris sooner:
a. A copy of all information that the person is required to submit to thefederal regulator and that is not confidential information; and
b. A summary of any confidential information that the person submits or isrequired to submit to a federal regulator. The summary shall providesufficient information to enable the Department to exercise its notice andcomment functions under §§ 2.2-5504 and 2.2-5505, to provide public noticepursuant to § 2.2-5504, and to prepare comments pursuant to § 2.2-5505, andshall have minimal extraneous and irrelevant information. The summary shallalso provide sufficient information to enable the locality in which theintroduction is proposed to be made to exercise its comment function under §2.2-5505.
2. Provides such additional information, if any, as is necessary to enablethe Department to fulfill any functions it undertakes, on a case-by-casebasis, under § 2.2-5505.
(1994, c. 472, § 2.1-772; 2001, c. 844.)