§ 2.2-600. Standard nomenclature to be employed.
Every independent administrative entity established by law and everycollegial body established by law or executive order within the executivebranch of state government shall be designated according to a standardnomenclature system. The following definitions shall be applied:
"Department" means an independent administrative agency within theexecutive branch.
"Board" means a permanent collegial body affiliated with an agency.
"Commission" or "Council" means a permanent collegial body eitheraffiliated with more than one agency or independent of an agency within theexecutive branch.
"Division," "Bureau," "Section," "Unit" or other similar titles shallbe reserved for internal groupings within agencies.
"Office" means an administrative office of the Governor, LieutenantGovernor, Attorney General or a governor's secretary.
Exceptions to this standard nomenclature shall be used only for agencies andentities with unique characteristics requiring unique descriptive titles,including museums, libraries and historic or commemorative attractions.
(1984, c. 393, § 2.1-1.2; 2001, c. 844.)