§ 2.2-612. Notification to localities of reduction or discontinuation ofservice.
A. No agency, board, commission or other entity of the Commonwealth shalltake any action to reduce or discontinue a service that it performs for alocal government or reduce or discontinue any form of financial assistance toa local government without first notifying all affected local governments atleast 90 days in advance of the proposed action. However, in emergencies,certified by the Governor for executive branch agencies or by the chiefadministrative officer for any other entity of the Commonwealth, such actionmay be taken immediately following the notice.
B. The provisions of subsection A shall not apply to any action taken by anexecutive branch agency or other entity of the Commonwealth pursuant to aspecific legislative requirement, agreement or contract negotiated with alocal government, the application of a statute prescribing periodicadjustments in state financial assistance, workforce reduction resulting fromdiminished appropriation or legislated early retirement provisions, orjudicial decree.
C. Nothing in subsection A shall apply to any officer who receives fundingunder § 15.2-1636.7 or who may appeal Compensation Board budget decisionsunder § 15.2-1636.9 or § 15.2-1636.10, or to those payments made tolocalities in accordance with §§ 53.1-20.1, 53.1-83.1, 53.1-84, or § 53.1-85.
(1997, c. 859, § 2.1-7.3; 2001, c. 844; 2004, cc. 34, 155.)