§ 2.2-703. Powers and duties of Department with respect to aging persons;area agencies on aging.
A. The mission of the Department shall be to improve the quality of life forolder Virginians and to act as a focal point among state agencies forresearch, policy analysis, long-range planning, and education on agingissues. The Department shall also serve as the lead agency in coordinatingthe work of state agencies on meeting the needs of an aging society. TheDepartment's policies and programs shall be designed to enable older personsto be as independent and self-sufficient as possible. The Department shallpromote local participation in programs for older persons, evaluate andmonitor the services provided for older Virginians and provide information tothe general public. In furtherance of this mission, the Department shallhave, without limitation, the following duties to:
1. Study the economic and physical condition of the residents in theCommonwealth whose age qualifies them for coverage under Public Law 89-73 orany law amendatory or supplemental thereto of the Congress of the UnitedStates, and the employment, medical, educational, recreational and housingfacilities available to them, with the view of determining the needs andproblems of such persons;
2. Determine the services and facilities, private and governmental and stateand local, provided for and available to older persons and to recommend tothe appropriate persons such coordination of and changes in such services andfacilities as will make them of greater benefit to older persons and moreresponsive to their needs;
3. Act as the single state agency, under Public Law 89-73 or any lawamendatory or supplemental thereto of the Congress of the United States, andas the sole agency for administering or supervising the administration ofsuch plans as may be adopted in accordance with the provisions of such laws.The Department may prepare, submit and carry out state plans and shall be theagency primarily responsible for coordinating state programs and activitiesrelated to the purposes of, or undertaken under, such plans or laws;
4. Apply, with the approval of the Governor, for and expend such grants,gifts or bequests from any source that becomes available in connection withits duties under this section, and may comply with such conditions andrequirements as may be imposed in connection therewith;
5. Hold hearings and conduct investigations necessary to pass uponapplications for approval of a project under the plans and laws set out insubdivision 3, and shall make reports to the Secretary of the United StatesDepartment of Health and Human Services as may be required;
6. Designate area agencies on aging pursuant to Public Law 89-73 or any lawamendatory or supplemental thereto of the Congress of the United States andto adopt regulations for the composition and operation of such area agencieson aging, each of which shall be designated as the lead agency in eachrespective area for the No Wrong Door system of aging and disability resourcecenters;
7. Provide information to consumers and their representatives concerning therecognized features of special care units. Such information shall educateconsumers and their representatives on how to choose special care and mayinclude brochures and electronic bulletin board notices;
8. Provide staff support to the Commonwealth Council on Aging;
9. Assist state, local, and nonprofit agencies, including, but not limitedto, area agencies on aging, in identifying grant and public-privatepartnership opportunities for improving services to elderly Virginians;
10. Contract with a not-for-profit Virginia corporation granted tax-exemptstatus under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code with statewideexperience in Virginia in conducting a state long-term care ombudsman programor designated area agencies on aging for the administration of the ombudsmanprogram. Such contract shall provide a minimum staffing ratio of oneombudsman to every 2,000 long-term care beds, subject to sufficientappropriations by the General Assembly. The Department may also contract withsuch entities for the administration of elder rights programs as authorizedunder Public Law 89-73, such as insurance counseling and assistance, and tocreate an elder information/elder rights center;
11. Serve as the focal point for the rights of older Virginians and theirfamilies by establishing, maintaining and publicizing (i) a toll-free numberand (ii) a means of electronic access to provide resource and referralinformation, and to provide such other assistance and advice as may berequested; and
12. Develop and maintain a four-year plan for aging services in theCommonwealth, pursuant to § 2.2-703.1.
B. The governing body of any county, city or town may appropriate funds forsupport of area agencies on aging designated pursuant to subdivision A 6.
C. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall assist the Department ineffectuating its functions in accordance with its designation as the singlestate agency as required in subdivision A 3.
D. As used in this chapter, "older Virginians" or "older persons" meanpersons aged 60 years or older.
(1974, c. 420, § 2.1-373; 1976, c. 299; 1978, c. 271; 1979, c. 678; 1982, c.345; 1983, cc. 165, 215; 1997, c. 320; 1998, c. 665; 1999, cc. 712, 1021;2000, cc. 307, 313; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 694; 2005, cc. 610, 924; 2008, c.361; 2009, cc. 339, 719; 2010, cc. 411, 801.)