§ 2.2-711. Policy statement; Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Programestablished; definitions.
A. The General Assembly declares that it is the policy of the Commonwealth toensure that persons who cannot adequately care for themselves because ofincapacity (in this article, also referred to as "clients") are able tomeet essential requirements for physical and emotional health and managementof financial resources with the assistance of a guardian or conservator, asappropriate, in circumstances where (i) the incapacitated person's financialresources are insufficient to fully compensate a private guardian orconservator and pay court costs and fees associated with the appointmentproceeding and (ii) there is no other proper and suitable person willing andable to serve in such capacity or there is no guardian or conservatorappointed within one month of adjudication pursuant to § 37.2-1015. In orderto ensure that the protection and assistance of a guardian or conservator areavailable to all incapacitated persons in the Commonwealth, there isestablished the statewide Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program(the Program) within the Department to (i) facilitate the creation of localor regional programs to provide services as public guardians or conservatorsand (ii) fund, coordinate, administer and manage such programs.
B. The definitions found in § 37.2-1000 shall apply to this article.
(1998, c. 787, §§ 2.1-373.10, 2.1-373.11; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 712.)