§ 2.2-803.1. Processing of payroll and other transactions by certaininstitutions of higher education.
A. The College of William and Mary; George Mason University; James MadisonUniversity; Old Dominion University; the University of Virginia, includingthe College at Wise; Virginia Commonwealth University; Virginia MilitaryInstitute; and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University shall eachprocess the payroll of its respective college or university employees asprovided in the memoranda of understanding between the Department of Accountsand each such institution implementing a pilot program granting relief fromrules, regulations, and reporting requirements pursuant to subdivision E 1 ofItem 330 of Chapter 966 of the Acts of Assembly of 1994 as continued ineffect by subsection B of Item 271 of Chapter 899 of the Acts of Assembly of2002.
B. The College of William and Mary; George Mason University; James MadisonUniversity; Old Dominion University; Radford University; the University ofVirginia, including the College at Wise; Virginia Commonwealth University;Virginia Military Institute; and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity shall each process its respective nonpayroll disbursements,receipts, and expenditures as provided in the memoranda of understandingbetween the Department of Accounts and each such institution implementing apilot program granting relief from rules, regulations, and reportingrequirements pursuant to subdivision E 1 of Item 330 of Chapter 966 of theActs of Assembly of 1994 as continued in effect by subsection B of Item 271of Chapter 899 of the Acts of Assembly of 2002. "Nonpayroll disbursements,receipts, and expenditures" shall include all disbursements, receipts, andexpenditures, other than payroll as described in subsection A. Suchdisbursements, receipts, and expenditures shall include, but are not limitedto, travel reimbursements, revenue refunds, cash receipts, disbursements forvendor payments, petty cash, and interagency payments.
(2003, c. 457.)