§ 20-25. Persons other than ministers who may perform rites.
Any circuit court judge may issue an order authorizing one or more persons,resident in the circuit in which the judge sits, to celebrate the rites ofmarriage in the Commonwealth. Any person so authorized shall, before acting,enter into bond in the penalty of $500, with or without surety, as the courtmay direct. Any order made under this section may be rescinded at any time.
Any judge or justice of a court of record, any judge of a district court orany retired judge or justice of the Commonwealth or any active, senior orretired federal judge or justice who is a resident of the Commonwealth maycelebrate the rites of marriage anywhere in the Commonwealth without thenecessity of bond or order of authorization.
(Code 1919, § 5080; 1938, c. 152; 1981, c. 295; 1981, Sp. Sess., c. 15; 1983,c. 64; 1985, c. 195; 1987, c. 149; 2003, c. 228; 2004, cc. 612, 680.)