§ 20-30. Licenses of persons on federal reservations.
The clerks of the circuit courts of any counties or their deputies and theclerks of the circuit courts of any cities or their deputies are authorizedto issue marriage licenses in conformity with the law now governing the same,to any persons desiring to be married on any of the government reservationsof this Commonwealth, lying within their respective counties and whichreservations were before the acquisition thereof part of the politicalterritory of this Commonwealth, and any marriage ceremony performed on suchreservations shall be as legal to all intents and purposes as if performed inany county or city of the Commonwealth, if the person performing the ceremonywas qualified to so act.
All marriages heretofore solemnized within the limits of any suchreservations are hereby ratified and legalized to all intents and purposes asif performed in any county or city of the Commonwealth.
(1930, p. 701; Michie Code 1942, § 5077a.)