§ 20-62. Commitment to workhouse, city farm or work squad for such desertion.
In the event that the cities or counties of this Commonwealth or any of themestablish workhouses, city farms or work squads on which prisoners are put towork, persons convicted of nonsupport under the provisions of this chaptermay be committed to the farms, workhouses or work squads instead of to jail.Persons sentenced to jail or to a workhouse or city farm under the provisionsof this chapter shall be required to do such work as they are capable of inaccordance with the opinion of the physician examining such persons pursuantto § 53.1-33 and shall be returned, when released, to the court whichexercised original jurisdiction in the case and by that court may be placedon probation upon the terms and conditions and in the manner prescribed bylaw for probation of original offenders in such cases.
(1944, p. 210; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 1936; 1954, c. 481; 1970, c. 630; 1978,c. 377.)