§ 20-66. Contempt proceedings; trial in absence of defendant.
(a) If the person so summoned fails without reasonable cause to appear asherein required, he or she may be proceeded against as for contempt of courtand the court may, (1) proceed with the trial of the case in his or herabsence and render such judgment as to it seems right and proper, or (2)continue the case to some future date.
(b) If the trial be proceeded with in the absence of the defendant andjudgment of conviction be entered against him or her, he or she may, withinthirty days after the judgment of conviction is rendered, make application tothe court to have the case reopened, and after due notice to the originalcomplainant, for good cause, the court may reopen the case and enter suchjudgment or order as is right and proper.
(1944, p. 211; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 1937a; 1974, c. 464.)