§ 20-71.1. Attorneys' fees in proceedings under § 20-71.
In any proceeding by a spouse petitioning under § 20-71 before the juvenileand domestic relations district court or on appeal before a court of record,to be allowed support for himself or herself or the infant child or childrenof the defendant, the juvenile and domestic relations district court maydirect the defendant, in addition to the allowance to the spouse and supportand maintenance for the infant children, to pay to the spouse's attorney,upon such terms and conditions and in such time as the court shall deemreasonable, an attorney's fee deemed reasonable by the court for suchservices as said attorney before said court. Upon appeal of the matter to acourt of record, the judge of the circuit court may direct that thedefendant, in addition to the fees allowed to the spouse's attorney by thejuvenile and domestic relations district court, pay to the spouse's attorneyat such time and upon such terms and conditions as the judge deemsreasonable, an attorney's fee deemed reasonable by the court for suchservices of said attorney before said court of record, but in fixing said feesuch court shall take into consideration the fee or fees directed to be paidby the court from which said appeal was taken.
(1950, p. 741; 1974, c. 464; 1975, c. 644.)