§ 20-74. Support orders to remain in effect until annulled; modification.
Any order of support or amendment thereof entered under the provisions ofthis chapter shall remain in full force and effect until annulled by thecourt of original jurisdiction, or the court to which an appeal may be taken;however, such order of support or terms of probation shall be subject tochange or modification by the court from time to time, as circumstances mayrequire, but no such change or modification shall affect or relieve thesurety of his or her obligation under such recognizance, provided noticethereof be forthwith given to such surety. No support order may beretroactively modified, but may be modified with respect to any period duringwhich there is a pending petition for modification in any court, but onlyfrom the date that notice of such petition has been given to the respondingparty.
(Code 1919, § 1939; 1932, p. 467; 1940, p. 477; 1975, c. 644; 1987, c. 649;2004, c. 204.)