§ 20-79. Effect of divorce proceedings.
(a) In any case where an order has been entered under the provisions of thischapter, directing either party to pay any sum or sums of money for thesupport of his or her spouse, or concerning the care, custody or maintenanceof any child, or children, the jurisdiction of the court which entered suchorder shall cease and its orders become inoperative upon the entry of adecree by the court or the judge thereof in vacation in a suit for divorceinstituted in any circuit court in this Commonwealth having jurisdictionthereof, in which decree provision is made for support and maintenance forthe spouse or concerning the care, custody or maintenance of a child orchildren, or concerning any matter provided in a decree in the divorceproceedings in accordance with the provisions of § 20-103.
(b) In any suit for divorce, the court in which the suit is instituted orpending, when either party to the proceedings so requests, shall provide inits decree for the maintenance, support, care or custody of the child orchildren in accordance with Chapter 6.1 (§ 20-124.1 et seq.), support andmaintenance for the spouse, if the same be sought, and counsel fees and othercosts, if in the judgment of the court any or all of the foregoing should beso decreed.
(c) In any suit for divorce or suit for maintenance and support, the courtmay after a hearing, pendente lite, or in any decree of divorce a mensa etthoro, decree of divorce a vinculo matrimonii, final decree for maintenanceand support, or subsequent decree in such suit, transfer to the juvenile anddomestic relations district court the enforcement of its orders pertaining tosupport and maintenance for the spouse, maintenance, support, care andcustody of the child or children. After the entry of a decree of divorce avinculo matrimonii the court may transfer to the juvenile and domesticrelations district court any other matters pertaining to support andmaintenance for the spouse, maintenance, support, care and custody of thechild or children on motion by either party, and may so transfer such mattersbefore the entry of such decree on motion joined in by both parties. In thetransfer of any matters referred to herein, the court may, upon the motion ofany party, or on its own motion, and for good cause shown, transfer anymatters covered by said decree or decrees to any juvenile and domesticrelations district court within the Commonwealth that constitutes a moreappropriate forum. An appeal of an order by such juvenile and domesticrelations district court which is to enforce or modify the decree in thedivorce suit shall be as provided in § 16.1-296.
(Code 1919, § 1939; 1940, p. 478; 1960, c. 76; 1964, c. 636; 1970, c. 459;1974, cc. 464, 473; 1975, c. 644; 1976, c. 345; 1977, c. 71; 1988, c. 502;1994, c. 769.)