§ 20-113. Procedure when respondent fails to perform order for support andmaintenance of child or spouse or owes support and maintenance or additionalsupport and maintenance.
The court, when it finds the respondent has failed to perform the order ofthe court concerning the custody or the maintenance and support of the childor support and maintenance of the spouse, or under the existing circumstancesis under the duty to render support or additional support to the child or topay for the support and maintenance of the spouse, may proceed to deal withthe respondent as provided in §§ 20-79.1, 20-114 and 20-115. The court mayrevise and alter its decree as to the child or support and maintenance of thespouse, and grant leave to the petitioner to proceed in the appropriatejuvenile and domestic relations district court in conformity with anyapplicable law; or it may, at the application of any party or on its ownmotion certify its final order granting support of the child or support andmaintenance of the spouse to such juvenile and domestic relations districtcourt for enforcement of collection as though such order had been made insuch juvenile and domestic relations district court, in accordance with §20-79 (c).
When the petitioner has been granted leave to proceed in a juvenile anddomestic relations district court all proceedings thereafter shall conform tothe provisions of Chapter 5 (§ 20-61 et seq.) of this title.
(Code 1919, § 5111; 1944, p. 398; 1948, p. 593; 1964, c. 273; 1968, c. 483;1970, c. 761; 1975, c. 644; 1982, c. 298.)