§ 20-146.21. Appearance of parties and child.
A. In a child custody proceeding in this Commonwealth, the court may order aparty to the proceeding who is in this Commonwealth to appear before thecourt in person with or without the child. The court may order any person whois in this Commonwealth and who has physical custody or control of the childto appear in person with the child.
B. If a party to a child custody proceeding whose presence is desired by thecourt is outside this Commonwealth, the court may direct the party to appearin person with or without the child and inform the party that failure toappear may result in a decision adverse to the party.
C. The court may enter any orders necessary to ensure the safety of the childand of any person ordered to appear under this section.
D. If a party to a child custody proceeding who is outside this Commonwealthis directed to appear under subsection B or desires to appear personallybefore the court with or without the child, the court may require anotherparty to pay reasonable and necessary travel and other expenses of the partyso appearing and of the child.
(1979, c. 229, § 20-134; 2001, c. 305.)