§ 21-304. All landowners need not be listed in petition; amendments.
To render the practical application of this chapter possible in all drainagecases, it shall be sufficient for the petitioners to exercise due diligenceto ascertain the names of all the landowners and those having title to landin the proposed district, and it shall not be necessary for the petitionersto list and include with the petition, filed with the clerk, the names of allthe landowners in the proposed district; but after the filing thereof withthe clerk, as the proceeding progresses, the petition may be amended as oftenas may be necessary to include the names of additional landowners when, andif others are subsequently ascertained, so that the petition may finally showthe names of all the landowners it is possible to ascertain in the proposeddistrict. The names of landowners, if any, in the proposed district, which itwas impossible to ascertain after the exercise of due diligence, asaforesaid, shall be classified as unknown owners, who may, at any time,become parties to the proceeding as provided for in § 21-309.
(Code 1919, § 1738; 1926, p. 607.)