§ 21-305. Tile system of drainage.
Whenever a supplementary petition signed by the owner or owners of any tractof land in the proposed district, be subsequently filed with the clerk of thecourt, requesting that tile be used to drain the tract, the clerk shallimmediately notify the engineer of the district of such petition. Theengineer shall thereupon design and lay out a system of tile drainage uponthe tract, and the board of viewers appointed to classify the lands in thedistrict, as hereinafter provided for, shall, in the schedule ofclassification, place a special assessment upon the tract and also classifythe tract in a class which will result in the total assessment being equal tothe cost of the tile drainage of the tract, in addition to the proportionalpart of the liability for other benefits derived from the drainage canals ofthe district.
The tile drainage system shall become part of the proposed drainage district,and shall be governed by all the provisions of this chapter, insofar as thesame may be applicable.
(Code 1919, § 1738; 1926, p. 608.)