§ 21-331. Profile of each levee, etc.; estimate of costs; rights-of-way.
There shall also be prepared to accompany this map a profile of each levee,drain, or watercourse, showing the surface of the ground, the bottom of thegrade of the proposed improvement and the number of cubic yards of excavationor fill in each mile or fraction thereof, and the total number of cubic yardsin the proposed improvement and the estimated cost thereof, the cost of anyother work required to be done including the cost of the rights-of-way forthe levees, drains and ditches of the district, and the report shall state anestimate of the cost thereof and what rights-of-way are required to bepurchased or condemned, and the board of viewers is directed to obtain theconsent in writing of such landowners as will permit the levees, ditches anddrains to be constructed through their lands without charge on their part forthe land so to be taken and occupied, and before the county board of drainagecommissioners hereinafter mentioned shall advertise for bids under theprovisions of this chapter, they shall proceed to condemn such lands as shallhave been reported by the board of viewers and approved by the court asnecessary to be condemned; such condemnation proceedings to be in accordancewith § 21-323.
(Code 1919, § 1750; 1920, p. 610; 1926, p. 611.)