§ 21-349. Notice of time and place of letting contract; bids.
The board of viewers of each drainage project shall cause notice to be givendaily for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the countywherein such improvement or a part thereof is located if such there be, or inany newspaper within the geographical bounds of the county and in suchadditional publications elsewhere as they may deem expedient, of the time andplace of letting the work of construction of the improvement, and in suchnotice they shall specify the security to accompany each bid, the approximateamount of work to be performed and the time fixed for the completion thereof;and, on the date appointed for the letting they, together with thesuperintendent of construction, or the engineer, shall convene and let to thelowest responsible bidder, either as a whole or in sections, as they may deemthe most advantageous for the district, the proposed work.
(Code 1919, § 1761; 1926, p. 616; 1954, c. 642.)