§ 21-357. Monthly estimates.
The superintendent in charge of construction or the engineer shall makemonthly estimates of the amount of work done, and shall furnish one copy tothe contractor and file the other with the board of viewers and the boardshall, within five days after the filing of such estimate, meet and directthe secretary to draw a warrant in favor of such contractor for ninety percentum of the work done, according to the specifications and contract; andupon presentation of such warrant, properly signed by the chairman andsecretary, to the treasurer, of the drainage fund he shall pay the amount duethereon. When the work is fully completed and accepted by the superintendentor the engineer, the engineer shall make an estimate for the whole amountdue, including amounts withheld on the previous monthly estimates, whichshall be paid from the drainage fund, as before provided.
(Code 1919, § 1762; 1926, p. 617; 1954, c. 642.)